Don’s Pinball Podcast
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Pinball Everyman For the Win!
Don does a great job of sharing his passion and love for the hobby from the perspective of a true fan. Between his podcast and live streaming it is fun to watch because there is very little tournament talk. We care about the games , accessories, and cool mods!
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About Don’s Pinball Podcast
Hey, do you want to hear Pinball hot takes, reactions to news, reviews, and how long it took me to install my Godzilla mods? Then click the button and invite me into your ear holes!
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Pinball Everyman For the Win!
Don does a great job of sharing his passion and love for the hobby from the perspective of a true fan. Between his podcast and live streaming it is fun to watch because there is very little tournament talk. We care about the games , accessories, and cool mods!
Living the Dream
This dude is a legend. Great insights and a fun podcast. Five stars for sure.
Best new podcaster this year
Has some interesting, funny podcasts . Can tell he loves pinball. Even though he owns a Halloween pin. lol
Don is a good egg!
I very much enjoy Don's Pinball Podcast. Love how keeps the energy and enthusiasm up high throughout the whole show. Hits on all the current topics going on in the pinball world. Definitely worth giving him a shot!
The guy has pinball machines!
Don is awesome, and he brings great energy and enthusiasm to his podcasts and live streams. I like that he’s actually an enthusiast, has a bunch of pins, he’s into modding, and truly enjoys the hobby!
Don is an upbeat guy with high energy and a good vibes all around. I look forward to his shows and live content. Keep it up my man, and I’ll see you at the local Sheetz when you’re in town!
love the enthusiasm for the hobby
don's podcast is a must-listen as his enthusiasm for the hobby is downright infectious. plus he does cool things like interviewing manufacturers and going to related industry shows like IAAPA
Great Guy. Awesome podcast.
Don keeps you up to date with all the latest pinball news. Would love to hear more of his reviews on his machines and reviews of older games as well. Strongly recommend his podcast.
Just crushed all 80 podcasts
Found Don through a UK YouTube channel and went right back to the start and listened to the whole journey. Great energy and perfect for a fellow noob (2 years) in the pinball world.
100% pure enthusiasm!
Love Don’s podcast and his Facebook Live streams, so much enthusiasm and focused on positivity.
Don is the man!!!
The best thing about Don is he stays positive and try’s to stay away from the drama. His podcast has came a long way in a very short time and he’s doing a great job! I love the Facebook live videos where everyone joins in chat and hangs out. Don’t change a thing buddy your doing great things for the hobby!
Don- living the life, enjoying pinball!
Very entertaining show. Don is living the life- pinball, roller coasters, shake boarding, etc. So many fun stories from his globe trotting adventures in life, I’m happy to go along for the ride. I’ve also hung out with Don at a few shows, he’s always kind and very humble
Great positive podcast
Very good show with good interviews and positive perspectives. Represents more of what our community needs.
Like listening to a kid talking about how great driving a car is
Yeah he likes pinball. Yeah he has money to buy a bunch of new games. Yeah he's enthusiastic about the new games. He's a COVID era, culdesac collector. Listening to him go on about pinball is like having a newly licensed driver telling you wonderful driving is. We already know.
Positive Informative Podcast
Don does a great job of being positive, down to earth and real while delivering news and information about the pinball industry. He is very positive about the industry but is critical when needed. He addresses the things needed to be fixed in the hobby without bringing the excessive negativity that others may bring. I highly recommend his podcast.
Good guy that loves pinball.
New to the hobby and jumped in head first. Lots of energy and consistently brings new content and opinions for our enjoyment.
good start but he needs video editing skills
Interesting stuff but video footage leaves much to be desired. No one wants to see unedited selfy footage
at festivals. Don't point the camera at your face the whole time. Show the games and people, and flip the camera around. The video taker is not the most important part. We are into pinball, not your face covering half the videos, especially if the point of the video is to show us something. Your trips aren't pinball and who cares about those. Thats for your family DMs. Focus more on quality than quantity. One quality video a week is plenty. Keep the quality high as opposed to quantity. It will get repetitive fast. Why not actually show your pinball skills or game play with a proper set up. You evidently have cash so spend it on that. But overall he has passion and it's interesting for pinheads. Keep working at it and I look forward to seeing it get better as time progresses.