Kaneda’s Pinball Podcast
Featured Review
Kaneda is the most relevant podcast available because he is honest
Not without flaws, Chris delivers pinball talk to the hobby with no influence. He is not a part of the industry, and thus we get fair perspective. He does this in an entertaining way, and he talks about what a lot of buyers are thinking. He is pretty funny as well.. best pinball podcast out there
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About Kaneda’s Pinball Podcast
My name is Kaneda. I work hard to make the world's most fun, entertaining and informative podcast about pinball. I will tell you what I love about pinball and what needs work. I have no agenda. No sponsors. 6 TWIPYs. I believe pinball magic is a thing the world needs more of.
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Great FaceBook Live Shows and pinball podcast
Best Saturday Mornings Pinball Show.
I may not always agree with him (especially his views on competitive pinball), but he'll always try to present the truth no matter how hard it hurts. And he doesn't have any corporate sponsors, so I don't think his opinion can be bought or sold.
Just make sure your ears are ready. There is no filter.
Well if there should be just one...
I’ll make it quick.
I love pinball, and i listen to lots of podcasts out there and enjoy most of them.
Now there is one podcast that stands outs and is the best for many reasons, and it’s Kaneda’s.
And not to be harsh on anybody else but i dont think it’s even close at the point.
Kaneda is to pinball what Colin Cowherd is to pro football radio talk: wether you agree with him or not, it is pleasure to tune in each time.
Good stuff
A no spin pinball podcast that is great to listen to! He will give you his honest opinion on things, even though it might be hard to hear
Great podcast
Great pinball podcast, that is not afraid to tell it as it is...Kudos
Haters Gonna Hate
I really enjoy the no nonsense delivery of this show. It is nice to have someone that is not a distributor or an "insider" that has a hidden agenda when talking about new machines, reviews, and industry news. He also is able to bring the latest news and rumors to light in an exciting way - even if it doesnt pan out. Lots of haters who take the hobby way to seriously - everyone has an opinion and I enjoy listening to Kaneda's. Stop taking everything so serious people and have some fun!
"Hater" is a label used to refer to people who use negative and critical comments and behavior to bring another person down by making them look or feel bad."
Kaneda is the most relevant podcast available because he is honest
Not without flaws, Chris delivers pinball talk to the hobby with no influence. He is not a part of the industry, and thus we get fair perspective. He does this in an entertaining way, and he talks about what a lot of buyers are thinking. He is pretty funny as well.. best pinball podcast out there
The only pinball podcast I listen to!
Kaneda is the only pinball podcast I still listen to. About a year ago I was subscribed to at least 3 other shows but have since lost my enthusiasm for them all. I can’t quite put my finger on why Kaneda maintains my interest, he can be quite a douche sometimes, however, maintain my interest he does. He has a certain something. I suppose he just mirrors the insecurity and humanity in all of us. Life isn’t all smiles and champagne!
Best of the bunch
Simply the best pinball podcast being produced. Other podcasters may lament the approach that Chris takes but loyal listeners understand that his podcast is simply the opinion and speculation of one man and can use their critical thinking skills to separate the wheat from the chaff. It truly fits the definition of 'pinball... with personality.'
Kaneda - The SUBCONCIOUS of Pinball!
Chris tells it like it is. While politics and corporate greed penetrates most of our lives, Kaneda broadcasts provide a true, unadulterated opinion based source of the latest rumors and development in pinball. Sure he’s highly opinionated, so you either like I’m or hate him, but either way you gotta admit he’s one of the most connected sources of information out there. And let’s face it folks, whether you like him or hate him, you know you’re tuning in! Highly recommend for weekly listening.
Best in Pinball media
The 5 dollars I spend every month is a bargain for what I get in content.
Subscribe now and thank me later 😀
My GO-TO podcast for pinball news & entertainment
Kaneda has a fresh take on the pinball news and a totally unique way of delivering it. I hate long boring pinball podcasts and refused to listen. Then, I found Kaneda's podcast. It's roughly 20 mins of just news and his thoughts on pinball without any juvenile sexual references, farting, mom jokes or swearing/profanity. So refreshing in a world of boring juvenile pinball podcasts. Kaenda has "figured it out".
His long record of winning awards shows this. It is unfortunate that the TPN pinball awards completely snubs kaneda's pinball podcast by not even allowing his podcast into their voting process. Doing so is the only way STDM podcast will ever win an award over Kaneda.
Entertaining That’s about it
Has a great podcast if you want to pay every month. Facebook streaming begging for stars makes him look cheap. Would have a ton of followers if podcast was out there. Can’t get real interviews because companies hate him. Other than that he is entertaining. Don’t think will win a TWIPY this year unless he buys votes . Lol
People’s advocate of Pinball
K-man doesn’t hold back his opinion to appease the manufacturers. His show is entertaining. Predications are mostly accurate with the occasional miss.
Hands down the best
Worth every penny! 20-30 minute podcast that tells you all the latest and greatest
Entertaining and brutally honest
The most entertaining and often the first to report breaking pinball news. Worth the Patreon subscription.
I appreciate Chris' dedication and passion to his podcast. His willingness to say what other podcasters in the industry are afraid to say is refreshing. Do I always agree with him? Hell no. Do I occasionally find him annoying, repetitive, and downright wrong? Yes. What makes me keep listening to and supporting him is the fact that almost every other podcast is boring and inane by comparison. Chris' only competition, in my opinion, is The Super Awesome Pinball Podcast, which provides what Chris lacks: interviews with people from the industry. The people Chris can't help but piss off.
Old Man Screams at Clouds
This show is very much a vehicle for expressing Kaneda's opinions about the Pinball industry.
At times it can be entertaining but the constant voicing of his self-proclaimed expertise really
becomes stale quick. Though from time to time Kaneda makes some very valid points and his
larger than life persona can be somewhat entertaining. Also give him some cred for having a
fairly consistent stream of content that is somewhat entertaining.
I listen to hear what manufactures don't want to hear
I know Kaneda is controversial and I love several pinball shows on FB, Youtube, podcasts but I listen to Kaneda specifically because he's willing to voice concerns and sometimes alternative views on products in comparison with those that have relationships with the manufacturers in order to get access to them. He's saying things that manufacturers and those involved in making pinball machines don't like or want to hear; as a consumer, I want to hear these things as much as I want to hear the cheerleaders. I think he's used language that was more inflammatory or mean than necessary in the past but it seems to me like he's grown and working on being better about delivery.
Best Pod in Pinball
This show is the real deal. Kaneda (aka Chris) delivers hundreds of topical, relevant pods per year. Nobody does it as frequently, and nobody does it better.
Overall, the content is relevant, and gives the community what it needs most: unbiased, impartial information about our hobby with the intent of driving the industry forward, and holding the manufacturers accountable.
If you want to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs.
He's lost the plot. Unless you're a wealthy collector who is terrible at pinball.
Used to be a 4 star show, but his humorous bellyaching has grown into infantile rants about a game (pinball) he is obviously terrible at. He gets 2 stars (instead of 1) for holding comapanies accountable for playfield issues, but his opinions and takes on games are for the OCD rich collectors only. His idea of a great pinball machine is simply one that has a bunch of luxury/unnecessary bells and whistles that comes with a $12-$15k price tag, and one that plays movies or concerts on a giant LCD monitor in the background. Never mind the actual layout and gameplay - you know, the thing that makes pinball what it is and what it has been for 75 years. It's a game Chris, meant to be played competitively amongst friends. Not some expensive trophy to show off to admirers and friends of an exclusive club. You've lost the plot. Unsubscribed.
Pretty ok
Kenada’s my third favorite pinball podcast. Can’t make it thru every episode but am thankful for all the content Chris provides.
The number 1 sockless pinball podcast
The best solo pinball podcast. Always controversial and always entertaining. Chris keeps his episodes short and the best part is he releases them at any random time. He also has fun Facebook live videos, shirtless/sockless workout videos in the park and plenty of Dodge Demon videos. Where else can you find that??
Are You Not Entertained
Chris presents topics and discussions about pinball with such grit that you just have to tune in. He’s not afraid to tell it how it is, which may not sit well with other podcasters, but for me, as a casual player, I can relate. If you haven't heard one of his podcasts or Facebook Live pop-ups, check him out, you won't be disappointed; he is the pinball commoner's voice.
Overrated and self centered
Seriously only talks about himself with a side of pinball. Plays clips from other podcasts that talk about him. Look up narcissist and you'll find Chris' pictures. Doesn't care if he is lying or telling the truth so long as what he says gets you to say his name. Would avoid at all costs unless you're looking for a toxic, narcissistic podcast.
Entertaining most of the time
Not ahuge fan of his attitude, but the info he gets is interesting. And its something else to listen to while jogging. Im not a huge fan of the drama with Kaneda, but he is entertaining.
Great Podcast
He tells it like it is and has all the latest news! Love it!
Always cutting edge news. Sometimes just edgy.
Listened to all 499 episodes. Please come back.
The only pinball podcast worth listening to
Kaneda has real passion for pinball and he knows how to talk into a microphone. After I listened to my first one, I never missed another.
Of course I didn't always agree with his views, and sometimes I didn't like what he was doing - especially his spoiling manufacturer's reveals - but overall, great stuff. Wish he was back.
Best pinball podcast. Period.
Love him or hate him, but he’s THE magnet for pinball news. Personally, I think he’s awesome. It’s refreshing to listen to a straight shooter without all the B.S.
The best
The only pinball podcast that matters!
He's okay
He is what he is. He's a bit entertaining, he's a personality. As for pinball knowledge? It's a bit average to above average. I think he tries to hard to be a bad boy of pinball or something...not really working for him. He's more of a the whiner of pinball. As for legitimacy, he's not really legit, lots of fluff and complete b.s. lying in the podcasts. He serves as a decent platform to discuss rumors and speculation. Spends a lot of time pumping his own ego and passively aggressively bashing others in the field. There is a crowd for him, but his podcasts just come with too much drama for me. I guess drama sells, so he is, what he is.
Unbiased-Up to date-exciting news
Kaneda’s Pinball Podcast is the most relevant, and up-to-date pinball industry news source out there...
The best
He puts a lot of effort into the show. Always honest. He can occasionally be a little hypocritical or just wrong but nobody's perfect. Always admits his mistakes and tries his best to give the community the newest info on future releases. Does a great job of informing the consumer of problematic issues that could cost them. Best podcast in the hobby.
Simply the best, or at least moderately above par.
Concise, to the point and well spoken. Humorous, no holds barred, throws punches while his enemies throw salt. If you want to listen to how someone’s weekend was and how their cat is doing that’s fine, if you want to listen to a show about pinball...well I recommend Kaneda.
Entertainment dialed to 11
There are many people who don't agree with Kaneda's opinions, approve of his past behavior or gel with his delivery approach. He can be very polarizing which causes him to be loved by many and hated by many equally. But from an entertainment value, no other podcaster comes close to the energy, buzz or controversy he brings into the pinball community. He gets people talking and excited. People are always curious to see what he uncovers, reveals or discusses next. One of the better advocates for the consumer awareness. He voices his thoughts on the value in a pin vs dollars spent and calling out deficiencies in manufacturing quality control.
In a Class by Itself
This is the most honest, entertaining pinball podcast out there. Kaneda can sometimes be irreverent and a bit arrogant, but he offers insightful and passionate views of the industry. He’s not afraid to speak the unbiased truth, however unpopular, unlike most of his competitors.
An actual scoop/news based pinball podcast!
Ive been listening to kaneda's pinball podcast since it's inception. He's always brought news that is actually relevant in the hobby. Chris doesn't shy away from giving his ACTUAL ACCOUNT FOR HOW HOW HE HONESTLY FEELS! When it comes down to manufacturers decision making, from IP decisions, to cost cutting, cost savings, innovation, ruleset, marketing choices, production choices & availability, reliability, durability, rumors, team members, ownership status, YOU NAME IT! Chris is THE ONLY PODCAST TO TRULY TELL THE LISTENERS THE WAY HE FEELS ABOUT EVERY ASPECT OF THE PINBALL HOBBY& BUSINESS. He has never been sponsored by a manufacturer which is what has enabled him to keep his opinions true to form. And he has always been clear that he doesnt hate on manufacturers just to be an asshole, he just wants the hobby to grow and flourish into a bigger more appealing hobby for the masses to take part in! Does he call it how he sees it? YES! IS HE BRUTALLY HONEST ABOUT CERTAIN BUSINESS DECISIONS AND COST CUTTING PROCESSES THAT HE DOESN'T NECESSARILY AGREE WITH? YES! BUT. That doesn't give other pinball apologists the right to bash his freedom to speak his opinions or hate on his outlook of certain poor business practices. I'm happy to call Keneda's pinball podcast my favorite place to go for fresh new and honest pinball news and entertainment. You can't call a distributors podcast an actual source of honest info. You can't! They don't cover the issues we as collectors face when buying new in box and have issues with a machine. They don't bring up thw constant use of cheaper materials whe. Charging more and more for games. And they don't bring up the little things that need to be done to make pinball great again!
Leading edge topics covered deeply.
Most informative and entertaining show on pinball.
Excellence in Pinball Podcasting
In a sea of pinball themed podcast that only exist to sell or promote themselves Kaneda stands alone in providing the kind of content that is sharp enough to cut through the shittiest of code, bad layout, uninspiring artwork, and or ridiculously overpriced toppers. He is the hero we need and the hero our hobby so desperately need.
Pure Entertainment
Pure entertainment! Who cares if right or wrong on predictions cause that's what they are
predictions !
Dope show
Smart and funny. Not like the diatribe of other shows.
Love Hate
If you can suppress the urge to choke him for his obvious clinical narcissism and unnecessary bashing of other people to create attention you have to love him.
And here are the points he is right about, he has the best inside info, is the most entertaining and FREQUENTLY posting guy. Can you make it better than him, no? noooooooo
gogogo Kaneda!
Intelligent review of games and marketing
Kaneda’s podcast is truthful and edgy. His marketing perspectives are right on and really makes you think about what the companies are doing. Most enjoyable pinball podcast out there.
Best Out There. The Truth!
Have listened to every podcast since the start.
The best
I am not super interested in pinball but Kaneda is so entertaining that every show is a must listen. One of the most talented podcasters around!
Great show, needs to come back
Most informative show in pinball podcasting. Doesn't deserve the hate he gets. Needs to come back!
The Best Around
Never ending content, historically released faster than could be consumed. Sorry to see him leave the podcasting universe, as his honest insight into everything pinball was a breath of fresh air. His Facebook Livestreams are a great source of news with a more positive approach.
The best pinball podcast by far. Sets the bar!
Kaneda tells it like it is and doesn't hold back. He also admits when he is wrong.
Kaneda nails it again...
Tells it like it is, and interesting to listen to.
Really does have a pulse on what's going on with modern pinball makers, what makes sense and what doesn't etc.
The show was always entertaining and informational for me.
Kaneda is back
To me the show is enjoyable. It brought me back into the hobby and is one of the reasons I have become passionate about pinball again.
Best podcast period
Tell it how it is, in your face, ruffle some feathers. Amazing a single person podcast can be this entertaining.
Always entertaining!
Never miss a show
My favorite Pinball Podcaster
Always in your face with cutting edge news. Love the guy, and Bubba too!
One of the only honest ones left
Says it like it is. Doesn’t sugar coat it. Isn’t a shill. What the pinball community needs.
this guy is a joke
this guy is only good for a laugh, but he thinks he's serious. Megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur. He's only into pinball because it cost alot of money.
Dramatic exit, and comes crawling back
Leaves podcast because he would lose his job if he continued.
Then says he needs a minimum amount of money to keep podcast going.
More reasons you can't trust a word this guy says.
Great podcaster, frequent episodes
Chris who uses the pseudonym Kaneda, is the voice of the podcast. This is a solo show that gets right to the point, no need to fastfoward 30 minutes to get to the news! Unlike other podcasts, he is not shy from telling you his opinion. He will give his take on how ABC Pinball Co is doing something wrong and provide suggestions for improvement. He holds the industry accountable for their actions. Even better than the podcasts are his Facebook live streams. Tune in when he has been drinking, its hilarious.
Consolidated Pinball News
A different, consolidated, often spot on, view on pinball news. It’s my only pinball Podcast.
Not afraid to say what you are thinking
I understand how Kaneda can drive people nuts with his inconsistent opinions, his not always accurate reporting, and his frequent reminders about how awesome he is (you will not escape an episode without hearing that he is a TWIPY Award winner), but he is entertaining and is not afraid to say what others are probably thinking. He claims he never edits his podcasts, which is probably why he becomes repetitive at times. Sometimes the last five minutes of the show can be grueling. As much as he complains about them not coming on his show, I can understand why people in the industry avoid appearing on it. But I am sure they listen to every episode as do I. A much needed voice in the pinball hobby who has a loyal following.
best podcast to listen on pinball
no bullsh*** just real talks about the industry and about machines in general - you like his personality or not, but at least he is the only one not working (or trying to work for ;-)) a marketing or communication of one of the pinball manufacturers :)
Lost some stars due to last few episodes
He violated his own rule about reporting on sensitive personnel issues without verification
On the Real
K always spells it out and tells you exactly what the other Podcasts refuse to acknowledge.... For a $6,000-$15,000.00 toy, how is playfield cratering and dimpling acceptable? How do we not have more toys and ramps in these games? We deserve more from these manufactures for the exorbitant Amounts they are charging! Instead of pandering to manufacturers (like every other Podcast does) K man always keeps it real, despite hurt feelings. The number one reason he’ll continue to sweep Best Podcast Twipy year after year.
All pinball, no filler
#1 for a reason. No nonsense. No industry shilling. Only honest opinions with no concern for manufacturer's feelings.
Best by far
My only go to pinball podcast and the most entertaining. The place for all leaked news.
He is the GOAT for a reason
Provocative, sensationalism, and epic. Best way to describe this podcast in a hobby full of social inept nerds. Sorry but it’s the truth. Yes Kaneda can hype and blow stuff out of proportion but it’s fun entertainment. He always is the first to news and rumors which more often then not are true. The other pinball shows wouldn’t have half the scoops they get if it wasn’t for Kaneda reporting on it first, facts people.
Tells it like it is
Being banned from pinside, and having no sponsors means no sugar coating or self-censorship. He tells it like it is. No episode is ever boring.
#1 for a reason
Kaneda’s Pinball Podcast puts other shows to shame. He may be a little off the rails at times but it’s that unpredictability that makes the show so wildly entertaining. His expose episodes of late have been incredible, his interviews are always thought-provoking, and the plain old solo shows are informative and fun.
The only podcast you need
You’re not gonna get tournament stuff or game strategies here. No reviews of 30 year old machines. And you know what? That’s awesome. Instead you get what’s going on with the industry players right now. Rumors, speculation and opinion about Stern, JJP, Spooky, et cetera. Chris really know his stuff. The guy is a marketing genius. His view of what pinball should be and could be aligns with mine. He really gets under people’s skins, but he’s right more often than not. He’s funny. He doesn’t kiss ass. He’ll break stories before anyone else. He puts out MORE CONTENT on a regular basis than anyone else. He’s far from boring. The pinball companies hate him. That’s why you’ll love him.
No shilling, no pandering, just observations
No sucking up to the industry people or tip toeing around others. Calls things as he sees them regardless.
Donald Trump of pinball
He pisses everybody off but you can’t stop listening. I always root for the bad guy, just my nature I guess. I like disrupters in any industry.
Tells it like it is!
Always has early info on upcoming games. The game reviews are his honest opinions. he’s not a distributor trying to get you to Buy, Buy Buy the current game like some other podcasts. When companies make mistakes or have low build quality he calls it like it is and let’s it be known. For example all the problems with playfeild clear coat chipping and dimpled playfeilds on games last year. He’s very entertaining and has a real passion for pinball. An awesome podcast to listen to!!!! I love to listen to him wile I work on games.
My number one pinball podcast.
Probably similar opinion to most people, don’t always agree but unbiased commentary on everything going on. Hobby would not be the same without this show. It’s a must listen and pick and choose for yourself what you do and don’t agree with. I’m sure his views will make you think of things you otherwise would not have thought of,
No filters! And very entertaining...
I like this podcast a lot. Always different and fun to listen. Most of the time I agree with him too.
He’s #1 by far... the other podcasts are too politically correct for me.
Says it like it is.
Great podcasts. Aleays had the inside info. Too bad he got forced out of podcasting. Could tone down the f- word. But that is a true New Yorker. Lol
Always a Listener
I listen to Kaneda regularly and enjoy his... um... passion for improving the hobby. Chris is obviously looking for perfection in pinball, which may be tough to deliver, but that doesn't mean you can't strive for it.
Some podcasts tread lightly on their relationships, which let's be honest if the right thing to do. Chris, at least it appears, is willing to burn bridges left and right just to be the first to say 'Alien pinball is back in production' or 'Pat Lawler murders puppies'.
I rated 4 stars because there is sometimes too much seemingly 'personal in nature' calling out and race to be the first to a 'scoop' leads to very bad judgement calls from time to time.
Worth the listen but don't get caught in the type.
Tell it like it is !!!
The good, the bad , the ugly .. in pinball he tells it all. Has an extensive knowledge of pinball . His shows are all meat without the fluff . The go to show for rumors and breaking news . No other show compares . TWIPY voters agree he is #1. Currently on a break doing facebook live spots . Hopefully the podcast will return to rule the pinball kingdom again one day .
No longer interested
Chris may be the most intellectual pinball podcaster, and his numbers clearly prove that his show has a very supportive following. However, I cannot support his content. Too many cases of emotional outbursts. He will call them entertainment, I call it immature, and embarrassing. False info, bullying friends in the hobby, and threats to manufacturers to expose latest unreleased games, are just some of the content that, for me, makes his program unsubscribed. It’s too bad because I know he’s a great speaker, and knows marketing. He’s clearly passionate about the hobby. Unfortunately, for me, the bad out ways the good.
Looked forward to every podcast
Kaneda’s Pinball Podcast presented an off-the-cuff take on modern pinball from a marketer and consumer’s perspective. It included scoops on new machines, jabs at manufacturers and other pinball personalities, personal experiences, interviews, and hot topics. Kaneda didn’t mince words and he was always entertaining, with 20-40 minute bursts, multiple times a week. This year I appreciated most the timelines presented for several newer manufacturers.
Only Show I listened To
Didn't always get the facts right, but was always entertaining
Entertaining and Informative
Candid exploration into the pinball world, offering useful information and insight, and often filtered through a marketing and communications lens.
The Podcast That Keeps the Community Going
There is more to Pinball than just expensive machines. There's a lot of passion and politics in pinball, and half the fun is getting to know all of it. Sometimes, getting to know what's behind the pin makes you appreciate it more. Kaneda went above and beyond to teach us more about the companies we love. He did his best to provide honest unbiased perspective on all the games. Cary Hardy turned me into a pinball nerd. Kaneda kept me wanting more. He had a bunch of haters, that's how you know he's one of the good ones. This community needs Kaneda.
Trust fund brat who doesn't even own a pin....
Same spin cycle with is clown, creates own drama, then acts surprised by the drama he created, then insult everyone, then pretend to "rise above" his own drama to ask everyone to get along citing that this isn't serious it's only pinball. The entire time it's just him arguing with himself, hence why he's on a podcast so he can talk to himself vs every other platform her has been banned on.
Occasionally Gets it Right but Often Just Drums Up Drama
Some people love Chris's content but I just find that more than 80% of the content is just drama like a tabloid.
I admit every now and again I get sucked in and have a look at his videos on Facebook but after 1 or 2 minutes I ask myself why and slap myself on the wrist.
Pure garbage
If you like Jerry Springer type nonsense from a guy who just loves to hear himself talk then this is the podcast for you. Grown adults however will find it as nothing more than toxic garbage.
No other show compares
Best show with the most targeted (to pinball) content. Explores industry, provides details, has inside information, excites pinball fans about upcoming releases, speaks the truth, very entertaining.
The one and only KANEDA!
The only guy that can make a niche and let’s be honest boring hobby topic super engaging and exciting. He’s the podcaster that’s drives you to want to purchase a new in the box pinball!
Straight Shooter
Kaneda's Pinball Podcast is great, I appreciate his honest opinions. As a consumer who can only afford a NIB once every 2 years, this journalism/ entertainment has been very welcoming.
Best out there
I like listening to this podcast and the facebook live. He has some good points, sometimes it just is a bit black and white but always entertaining.
Amazing Podcast
Love this guys enthusiasm. He speaks from the heart on all pinball.
I really enjoy his show its entertaining and helps pass the time.
The boy you love (to hate)
He brings the drama in pinball, and that's just what this hobby needs!
Great podcast, really missing it...
Always Entertaining
The show is always entertaining and you know he will speak about what is actually on his mind. One of the few podcasts not sponsored by any company so he talks freely about quality issues or negative situations.
Best pinball podcast
I like kaneda because he can tell it like it is, and give his opinions, unrestrained by advertisers and manufacturers. A breath of fresh air for the pinball hobby
No fluff, to the point
No BS games, no 2 hour + podcasts, no “that’s what she said” childish humor, no screaming goats.
Great entertainment!
Viewpoints are always interesting. Fresh angles on most topics kept me coming back for more. Chris has so much passion it sometimes spilled over into stridency but the quality of the show allowed for forgiveness there. Overall fantastic entertainment and is sorely missed
Breaking news and a fresh view on pinball
This dude tells it like it is. He doesn’t spare us the anger that comes with this hobby and exposes the fake nature of much of the Pinball media. He attacks the manufacturers and demands improvement for all of us hobbyists. Kaneda brings breaking news and a fresh perspective that is needed in this hobby.
Best pinball podcast out there. Bar none.
The host gets right into the pinball topics. No filler; no fluff, no asking a co-host what they ate for breakfast. So singing, screaming or baby talk nonsense.
Style AND Substance
The only pinball podcast that provides relevant, substantive, captivating content with authenticity and big personality. Fun to listen to and always entertaining.
Favorite Pinball Podcast
Fast pace, updates through out the week, breaking news, no stupid bits or filler just straight pinball talk with a lot of rumors.