Kaneda’s Pinball Podcast

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Kaneda is the most relevant podcast available because he is honest

Not without flaws, Chris delivers pinball talk to the hobby with no influence.  He is not a part of the industry, and thus we get fair perspective.  He does this in an entertaining way, and he talks about what a lot of buyers are thinking.  He is pretty funny as well..  best pinball podcast out there

July 4, 2023

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About Kaneda’s Pinball Podcast

My name is Kaneda. I work hard to make the world's most fun, entertaining and informative podcast about pinball. I will tell you what I love about pinball and what needs work. I have no agenda. No sponsors. 6 TWIPYs. I believe pinball magic is a thing the world needs more of. 

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The one and only KANEDA!

The only guy that can make a niche and let’s be honest boring hobby topic super engaging and exciting. He’s the podcaster that’s drives you to want to purchase a new in the box pinball!


No other show compares

Best show with the most targeted (to pinball) content. Explores industry, provides details, has inside information, excites pinball fans about upcoming releases, speaks the truth, very entertaining.


Pure garbage

If you like Jerry Springer type nonsense from a guy who just loves to hear himself talk then this is the podcast for you. Grown adults however will find it as nothing more than toxic garbage.

Jake Danzig

Occasionally Gets it Right but Often Just Drums Up Drama

Some people love Chris's content but I just find that more than 80% of the content is just drama like a tabloid.

I admit every now and again I get sucked in and have a look at his videos on Facebook but after 1 or 2 minutes I ask myself why and slap myself on the wrist.

Simon B

Trust fund brat who doesn't even own a pin....

Same spin cycle with is clown, creates own drama, then acts surprised by the drama he created, then insult everyone, then pretend to "rise above" his own drama to ask everyone to get along citing that this isn't serious it's only pinball. The entire time it's just him arguing with himself, hence why he's on a podcast so he can talk to himself vs every other platform her has been banned on.

Ricky Johnson

The Podcast That Keeps the Community Going

There is more to Pinball than just expensive machines. There's a lot of passion and politics in pinball, and half the fun is getting to know all of it. Sometimes,  getting to know what's behind the pin makes you appreciate it more. Kaneda went above and beyond to teach us more about the companies we love. He did his best to provide honest unbiased perspective on all the games. Cary Hardy turned me into a pinball nerd. Kaneda kept me wanting more. He had a bunch of haters, that's how you know he's one of the good ones. This community needs Kaneda.

Dan H.

Entertaining and Informative

Candid exploration into the pinball world, offering useful information and insight, and often filtered through a marketing and communications lens.


Only Show I listened To

Didn't always get the facts right, but was always entertaining


Looked forward to every podcast

Kaneda’s Pinball Podcast presented an off-the-cuff take on modern pinball from a marketer and consumer’s perspective. It included scoops on new machines, jabs at manufacturers and other pinball personalities, personal experiences, interviews, and hot topics. Kaneda didn’t mince words and he was always entertaining, with 20-40 minute bursts, multiple times a week. This year I appreciated most the timelines presented for several newer manufacturers.


No longer interested

Chris may be the most intellectual pinball podcaster, and his numbers clearly prove that his show has a very supportive following.  However, I cannot support his content.  Too many cases of emotional outbursts.  He will call them entertainment, I call it immature, and embarrassing.  False info, bullying friends in the hobby, and threats to manufacturers to expose latest unreleased games, are just some of the content that, for me, makes his program unsubscribed.  It’s too bad because I know he’s a great speaker, and knows marketing. He’s clearly passionate about the hobby.  Unfortunately,  for me, the bad out ways the good.


Tell it like it is !!!

The good, the bad , the ugly .. in pinball he tells it all. Has an extensive knowledge of pinball . His shows are all meat without the fluff . The go to show for rumors and breaking news . No other show compares . TWIPY voters agree he is #1. Currently on a break doing facebook live spots . Hopefully the podcast will return to rule the pinball kingdom again one day .

Kelley Daniel / The Pinball Palace

Always a Listener

I listen to Kaneda regularly and enjoy his... um... passion for improving the hobby. Chris is obviously looking for perfection in pinball, which may be tough to deliver, but that doesn't mean you can't strive for it. 

Some podcasts tread lightly on their relationships, which let's be honest if the right thing to do. Chris, at least it appears, is willing to burn bridges left and right just to be the first to say 'Alien pinball is back in production' or 'Pat Lawler murders puppies'.    

I rated 4 stars because there is sometimes too much seemingly 'personal in nature' calling out and race to be the first to a 'scoop' leads to very bad judgement calls from time to time. 

Worth the listen but don't get caught in the type.


Says it like it is.

Great podcasts. Aleays had the inside info. Too bad he got forced out of podcasting. Could tone down the f- word. But that is a true New Yorker. Lol