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Friendly Streamer engages chat room well.
Aways read his T-Shirt! Pez just loves pinball and it shows. It's fun to see the family on teh stream. Super Friendly and helpful when you ask rule set questions.
Matthew Rottman
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About pezjohnson
I’ve been collecting PEZ for about 30 years. Just started buying them when I would see them at the store when I was in high school. Then people started calling me “The PEZ Man”. I get them for gifts from family (which I love) and other people. I’ve been playing pinball for years.
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Friendly Streamer engages chat room well.
Aways read his T-Shirt! Pez just loves pinball and it shows. It's fun to see the family on teh stream. Super Friendly and helpful when you ask rule set questions.
Matthew Rottman