Silverball Chronicles
Featured Review
A fantastic show on the history of pinball!
I love your podcast the Silverball Chronicles! Bought one of your mugs today, over att Silverball Swag, all the way to Sweden. Your podcast is a great spurten to learn all kind of things history related in pinball. The dynamic between the two hosts David and Ron is great. I love the way they, interact and how they, mostly Dave, misspronounces most of the names. And all the bickering ”abuuut” the Canadian-American stuff, gags and jokes. I find that kind of things hillarious!
The show is a nice mix of history, full of tonnes of anecdotes, obscure facts and humor that keeps the show going. Keep up the good work, guys!
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About Silverball Chronicles
Looking for a different pinball Podcast which isn’t about current events or pinball news? Silverball Chronicles is a monthly podcast for the true pinball nerd that enjoys learning more about the complicated dynamics, politics and characters that created their favourite pinball machines. Join Ron and Dave as they stumble through pinball history mispronouncing names, chronicling designers, telling war stories, and digging up strange and obscure facts; all while paying homage to the
hobby of pinball.
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A fantastic show on the history of pinball!
I love your podcast the Silverball Chronicles! Bought one of your mugs today, over att Silverball Swag, all the way to Sweden. Your podcast is a great spurten to learn all kind of things history related in pinball. The dynamic between the two hosts David and Ron is great. I love the way they, interact and how they, mostly Dave, misspronounces most of the names. And all the bickering ”abuuut” the Canadian-American stuff, gags and jokes. I find that kind of things hillarious!
The show is a nice mix of history, full of tonnes of anecdotes, obscure facts and humor that keeps the show going. Keep up the good work, guys!
Quality has declined since early episodes
Are used to be a favorite podcast but now not so much. It’s mostly two guys reading from Internet sources and prior interviews. It’s a fine time killer on a long drive or doing house chores.
The Canadian guy used to be a good lesson but now he’s become to hackey and jokey.
The beautiful history of Pinball.
Hello from Belgium.
Because I’m quite new in this fascinating hobby, fell in love with pinball in the first part of the Corona pandemic, I have much to learn about the history and the important peoples who made pinball to what it is today. Ron and Dave, love your podcast… Thank you for all your time and effort! Grts Koen Lauwaert.
Educational AND entertaining!
The episodes are pure pleasure, a comforting tale by the fireside, laying out the facts of the pinball industry history. Just what you want from a podcast. Respectful but also playful and honest with the subject matter too.
Great Podcast highlighting the historic and memorable events in Pinball history.
Ron and David make an excellent pair going through Pinball's most memorable events, leading industry figures and eras of Pinball. The episodes featuring designers, engineers and employees are especially engaging. These in-depth reviews of past games, significant events and unusual tidbits scattered throughout Pinball history make this a unique Pinball podcast, not seen since Topcast.
David's extensive research and Ron's history in the hobby combine for a wonderful podcast experience. Each person brings their own unique flavor and the banter between hosts make a memorable listening experience each episode. I would highly recommend the show to anyone new to the hobby and all listeners interested in a specific pinball era, company or creator.
The only pinball podcast worth your time
Unlike other pinball podcasts, which devote hours to discussing a single pinside thread, Silverball Chronicles us actually interesting.
Best GD Historical Pinball Podcast Around Period
I cannot think of another podcast that I have enjoyed as much and as consistently as this one. Like many others, it's so interesting, informative and fun that I've listened to each episode multiple times. Keep up the amazing work you guys!
Great pinball history show!
I really appreciate Dave and Ron's ability to piece together the history - manufacturers, designers, artists, the drama, the layoffs - and create the behind the scenes narrative on what happened in the past, and how they relate to the modern industry. It lets us know that the industry is in a great place today (sales, cash on hand/investors, home buyers), but one slip up (or new technology to pull people away - i.e. video games), and it can all come crashing down again. Super interesting topics and history, all told with plenty of passion and humor - just go listen.
Maybe...just maybe my favorite
A detailed, fun walk through the history of pinball. You get the benefits of Ron with none of the Bruce-isms of that OTHER podcast.
Keep up the great work!
Awesome show!
This is a great show about the history of pinball. It is detailed and informative but is still fun and entertaining. A lot of research must go into each episode. Definately worth listening to.
A great change of pace
This podcast is like a breath of fresh air compared to most of the pinball podcasts. It's just the history of pinball, and the companies and people that make them. What a novel idea! Keep it up Ron and Dave!
Fantastic pinball podcast.
By far my most favourite podcast, always look forward to each new episode. No other covers in depth pinball history like this one, which is amazing as I was not alive to witness much of it my self, but absolutely love listening about it. The fantastic chemistry between the hosts make it easy and exciting to listen to.
Keep up the great work guys :)
Great history lessons
Dennis and Ron are doing an amazing job explaining pinball history! I love hearing about the backgrounds of designers, companies, and games!
Different in a good way
this podcast is different than most of the others. Love their takes on the past pinballs as well as the new stuff they mix in.
probably my favorite pinball podcast
One of my favorite things about pinball is its rich history, so it makes perfect sense that this is my favorite pinball Podcast. This podcast is hands down the best for learning the ins and outs of everything pinball. The two hosts are excellent, the info they gather along with the commentary makes for a very entertaining/informative experience. I hang on every word, and often re-listen to each episode to make sure I retained all of the great info.
The GO-TO podcast on the history of pinball
I find history very boring. I mean it already happened right? Who cares. BUT this podcast is fantastic and engaging. It is amazing how my people in the pinball industry have worked at so many different companies and it is awesome to see their journeys to where they are now. Great dynamic between he two hosts and I look forward to every new episode. Highly recommended!
This is an excellent presentation of the history of pinball.
An extremely enjoyable and informative podcast which clearly has many hours of research prior to each episode. This is one of only a few podcasts I really look forward to and can honestly say have listened to each episode twice to get the full understanding of how pinball evolved over the years, love it all including Stewies coments ........
This is the only pinball podcast I eagerly await.
Just keep it coming guys! I am really looking forward to the next S. Richie episode, about them Mullet Years!
Great for those interested in History of Pinball
This show is great! I listened to it on a road trip and it kept me interested the whole time. There isn't a lot of fluff just a bunch of interesting takes on everything came to be within older pinball companies and personalities.
These guys like Topcast and The Pinball Compendium - just like I do
Really enjoying the show, Pinball History is SO much more interesting than pinball news
If Ken Burns did a pinball history podcast...
Ron Hallett Jr. has been documenting the growth of pinball for over a decade. He offers insightful first-hand accounts of the history of pinball that goes far back before the "resurgence" of pinball. I greatly appreciate the use of documented primary sources without relying on the received wisdom which may not be entirely historically accurate. His co-host, David is obviously not as well-versed in pinball lore as Ron, and his attempts at adding "humour" often fall flat IMHO, but he does a yeoman's job of leading the show with a direct focus. This series is quickly becoming the definitive historical record of pinball's fascinating history and the people who made it what it is today.
Listen to the Power of History
My personal favorite show on the current The Pinball Network line-up, David Dennis and Ron Hallett cover one of my favorite topics (pinball history) in an easy-to-follow, easy-to-digest, easy-to-enjoy way.
The show pacing has been solid, with the episodes generally marching through a chronological accounting of whatever specific topic they are tackling (with the occasional sub-journey or side-story added in where appropriate). David leads along the narrative thread but plays to Ron's deep knowledge constantly. Their rapport is solid and the end result is a podcast that feels like a mix of two friends chatting with a side of entertaining lecture thrown in.
A special shout-out should be given to the obvious level of work this podcast takes. Multiple data sources and points of view are supplied. While there are several podcasts that have tackled pinball history (at least on an occasional, episodic basis), this appears to be the most fully realized attempt to date (discounting interview shows, which pace very differently even if they are dealing solely with historic pinball figures).
The best show on The Pinball Network
I cannot believe how much I enjoy listening to this podcast that is both informative and entertaining. David Dennis and Ron Hallett obviously spend a lot of time researching each topic providing the listener with historical information balanced with their own opinions of the games. It is obvious that they enjoy what they are doing. I have no idea how much editing goes into each episode, but the pacing is perfect. You would think these guys have worked together for years. It is, by far, the best show on The Pinball Network. Highly recommended for those interested in the history of pinball.
Great info and hosts, very entertaining
If you want a laid back discussion on historical topics of pinball, this is the place. The hosts works well together, and it is an entertaining podcast to listen to.
Super charming host
This is a great podcast for the true pinball nerd, that enjoys learning more about the complicated dynamics and characters that created their favourite pinball machines.
The host David Dennis is also the sexiest man alive and this is not his wife talking.
Quickly becoming one of my top podcasts to listen to
Each episode so far has been a home run. I always wanted to dig more into the history of modern pinball and thankfully these guys are saving me the trouble of doing it myself. I love how much research and work these guys put into each show. Ron and Dave make a great team and play well off of each other. Dave makes me laugh at least a couple of times an episode and Ron is such an engaging historian. This is the podcast that has been missing in my life! Keep up the great work.
A must listen for historians!
Each episode is packed with TONS of information about the history of Pinball. Broken down into categories, So you can choose which topic to learn about. Great personality, and has some good humor. A must listen!
Excellent But a Bit Negative
I love this show and have listened to every episode. My only critique is that for some reason David has gotten more and more negative and contrarian about the games and features as the show has progressed. It's gotten to the point where Ron is on defense half the time. At first this show was a breath of fresh air amongst the excess of "bros give opinions on pinball" podcasts but it's been inching towards that which is too bad. With a slight course correction this show could rival TOPcast.
This show is exactly what I was looking for
Absolutely love listening and learning the history of the game and the hobby I enjoy so much. The content is spot on and always super enjoyable. Please keep up the good work!
Great podcast
I've been listening my way through past episodes and having a great time. As someone new to the hobby, this podcast has deepened my interest and I've learned so many things that I wouldn't have otherwise. The episodes take a lot longer for me to get through than others because I'm constantly stopping to lookup the games mentioned so I can have a frame of reference. Sure, occasionally one of the hosts inserts extra u's into words where they shouldn't be - but no one is perfect. Keep up the great work.
My Favorite!
I listen to most of the pinball podcasts throughout the week with my work commute. I tend to get board with said podcasts between title release cycles. That is where history takes over to tell the story. Being younger in the hobby, I enjoy learning the story’s and history of the good old days. Silver ball chronicles is an instant listen and a great show! Ron and David Are a good duo and entertaining. Thanks and keep them coming please!
Steve Ritchie episode was epic
I loved the Ritchie episode so much these guys balanced humor and stories and kept it funny and fresh