Around the Playfield with Buffalo Pinball

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Buffalo Pinball – all things pinball in Buffalo! Check them out on Twitch here, join their Facebook group here.
Around the Playfield with Nick Lane
The Start Button: How did you first get into pinball?
Back in the fall of 2010, I got addicted to Pinball Arcade, and learned there were actually rules to pinball machines. From that moment on, I was hooked.
The Plunge: What was the first pinball machine you bought?
I bought my first machine in January 2011, which was a NIB Iron Man. It was my first love and I still have it.
The Skill Shot: What is your best pinball achievement or favorite pinball moment?
My best pinball achievement is getting 3rd place in the B division at the 2014 Pinburgh tournament. My favorite pinball moment is Ed Robertson calling Jay Fairbrother a “f**king dick” on our Twitch stream. It was well deserved.
Good Shots, Bad Bounces: What is your favorite and least favorite pinball machine?
Favorite pinball machine is The Walking Dead Premium. Least favorite machine is any new machine that ships with beta/incomplete code 😉
The Wizard Mode: What is your dream theme you’d like to see made into a pinball machine?
My dream theme used to be The Big Lebowski, until that was made. Right now, I’d really like to see a new Indiana Jones machine done by JJP.
The Tilt: What is the dumbest mistake you’ve made in pinball (mishap moving a machine, messing up trying to fix a machine, etc.)?
When I first got my Iron Man, within the first hour of having the game, I dropped the playfield off the rails and into the cabinet, because I had no idea what I was doing. It’s a miracle there was no damage.
The High Score: Describe the pinball hobby in one word.
Match – Next Game: Where do you see the pinball hobby in 5-10 years?
I think we’ll see slow and steady growth, with more pinball out on location, in particular, in pinball bars. I think we’ll have three established, solid pinball companies.
Around the Playfield with Kevin Manne
The Start Button: How did you first get into pinball?
As a kid in the 80s, I remember seeing pinball around all the time in arcades. I gravitated toward video games for most of my youth but always threw a few games of pinball into the mix with my pocket full of quarters. I have a memory of playing what I believe was High Speed with my dad and brother, and learning to trap up the ball and make a controlled shot — just figuring out there was more to it than just flipping like mad trying to keep the ball from draining.
The real ‘aha!’ moment for me was playing The Pinball Arcade (TPA) on the Xbox 360. At the time I was hooked on unlocking achievements to boost my gamerscore, and to do that on TPA you had to achieve specific goals on the games. This appealed to the video gamer in me because I could equate modes in pinball machines to levels in a video game, with the wizard mode akin to defeating the final boss.
Besides, my dad says when he was student at SUNY Potsdam, he’d regularly skip class, grab a bagel and play the pinball machine in the student union all day — so I guess pinball is in my blood.
The Plunge: What was the first pinball machine you bought?
Rock, rock, rockin’ Rollergames! According to my Pinside collection history I bought it on June 9, 2012. I had been collecting arcade video games for a few years before that and decided to sell a few to fund a pinball machine. Rollergames was affordable and in the area so I went for it. I still contend that System 11 games are great starter pins, and I was able to poke around at it and figure out how to fix stuff without worrying about wrecking a new $5,000 game.
The Skill Shot: What is your best pinball achievement or favorite pinball moment?
Man, there have been so many, which is what makes this such an awesome hobby. I’m going to cheat and mention a few: taking 4th in C-Division at PAPA 2016, nailing down a perfect 12-0 round in Pinburgh 2017, winning my first tournament, cracking the top 1,000 in the IFPA, making my first successful repair, co-founding Buffalo Pinball…
I’m still going to cheat and pick one best pinball achievement and one favorite moment. For best pinball achievement, it has to be Buffalo Pinball being chosen for, and hosting, a PAPA Circuit major. PAPA had such an influence on me that being able to give back and be part of the competitive pinball scene like that means a lot to me.
For favorite moment, I’ve gotta say, streaming the reveal of Jersey Jack’s Pirates of the Caribbean was a super fun moment. Right before the seminar began I remember sitting on the side at the front of the room, looking around the packed room and then turning to Nick and saying, “This is pretty ****ing cool.”
Good Shots, Bad Bounces: What is your favorite and least favorite pinball machine?
Any time I’d get asked what my favorite pin was in the past I’d always say either The Addams Family or Tron. But I have to say Dialed In has dethroned those and has taken over the #1 spot. It’s still new and I don’t have as much time on it as I do the others, but for now, DI is it.
Least favorite is tougher because any pinball is good pinball — and I tend to find fun even in the weirdest layouts and themes (hello Bone Busters and Street Fighter II). I like to say Game of Thrones — it’s a game I just can’t get into for whatever reason, even though I can do OK at it in competition.
The Wizard Mode: What is your dream theme you’d like to see made into a pinball machine?
Well it was Tron, so now that it’s been made I’m not real sure. A Mortal Kombat game based on MK 1-3 era would be great though.
The Tilt: What is the dumbest mistake you’ve made in pinball (mishap moving a machine, messing up trying to fix a machine, etc.)?
Turning off The Getaway in the middle of a game on stream (old school Bro viewers will remember this one!)
The High Score: Describe the pinball hobby in one word.
Match – Next Game: Where do you see the pinball hobby in 5-10 years?
I’m bullish on pinball. We’ll have competitive pinball on ESPN 8: The Ocho, and even more new designers cranking out games, following in the footsteps of guys like Scott Danesi and Eric Meunier. I do think we’ll see a few of the smaller boutique manufacturers close or consolidate but the companies that survive will thrive.
Around the Playfield with Martha
The Start Button: How did you first get into pinball?
I remember playing pinball with my dad at a record store in the early 90’s. That one moment made a lasting impression on me and I remember really loving it. Incredibly, I think I made it all the way to 2014 without again encountering a pinball machine. Then I met Nick Lane and started playing pinball at his house. I got obsessed with Iron Man and never looked back.
The Plunge: What was the first pinball machine you bought?
My first purchase was one-half of Fireball II (baby steps) and my first purchase of a full pinball machine was Countdown.
The Skill Shot: What is your best pinball achievement or favorite pinball moment?
That time I won B division at a Buffalo Pinball winter/spring tournament I felt pretty good. But what I really like is when I get a game that used to give me real trouble under control. Two examples are Adams Family and Simpsons. When I was a newer player these games were very difficult for me and I would last about 5 seconds before I drained. I put in some serious practice time on Adams Family in anticipation of the Bro Show and was super psyched to beat brother Lane!
Good Shots, Bad Bounces: What is your favorite and least favorite pinball machine?
I love Metallica and Iron Man for the music, the many different ways to play and the way the shots feel. I many least favorite machines include but are not limited to Hook and Popeye (terrible, repetitive sounds/call outs and slow, clunky shots).
The Wizard Mode: What is your dream theme you’d like to see made into a pinball machine?
Music pin of Dolly Parton and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
The Tilt: What is the dumbest mistake you’ve made in pinball (mishap moving a machine, messing up trying to fix a machine, etc.)?
I have a thick skin and a bad memory that helps keep my self esteem intact so no dumbest moment stands out. Luckily there are hours of me making silly mistakes on YouTube. It shouldn’t be hard for the truly curious to find one.
The High Score: Describe the pinball hobby in one word.
Match – Next Game: Where do you see the pinball hobby in 5-10 years?
Pending any changes to the federal budget I predict there will be pinball on the moon by 2028.
Around the Playfield with Rob
The Start Button: How did you first get into pinball?
After Nick Lane decided to move into a stranger’s apartment, he decided the best way to make friends with him was to drag a 300LB sparkly noisemaker into a common area. I helped him unbox it, set it up and then followed him down the rabbit hole.
The Plunge: What was the first pinball machine you bought?
Gorgar and Flash, simultaneously. Gorgar worked first, so we’ll go with that.
The Skill Shot: What is your best pinball achievement or favorite pinball moment?
Making playoffs at Pinburgh in 2017
Good Shots, Bad Bounces: What is your favorite and least favorite pinball machine?
Tommy is probably my favorite. Cue Ball Wizard is definitely my least favorite.
The Wizard Mode: What is your dream theme you’d like to see made into a pinball machine?
Beyond a Big Lebowski that is actually in production, I’d say an Arrested Development or Spaceballs machine would be pretty sweet.
The Tilt: What is the dumbest mistake you’ve made in pinball (mishap moving a machine, messing up trying to fix a machine, etc.)?
In the last set of my first Pinburgh I walked away from a multiball on Tommy thinking I had played the wrong ball, only to realize too late it was the pity multiball they give you if you’re terrible.
The High Score: Describe the pinball hobby in one word.
Match – Next Game: Where do you see the pinball hobby in 5-10 years?
I think the games are going to get far more complicated as people get better and the technology grows. Manufacture’s like Jersey Jack are going to keep adding new stuff and more graphics/computerized elements to make the games more appealing to the video game crowds. But overall I think it’s going to keep growing, particularly on location as bars start to realize the draw it can be again.
Around the Playfield with Jeff
The Start Button: How did you first get into pinball?
I used to play pinball in the local arcades growing up, didn’t really pay much attention to the rules or objectives and so I mindlessly pumped quarters in. I remember my favorite at that time being STTNG. Fast forward 20 years later, Mr. Kevin Manne introduced me to his Rollergames in his garage arcade. Shortly after I began playing competitive pinball.
The Plunge: What was the first pinball machine you bought?
Recently Firepower, still have it. Pew Pew.
The Skill Shot: What is your best pinball achievement or favorite pinball moment?
Pinburgh 2015, First session, first group and I’m grouped with Lyman Sheats. I barely beat him on Monster Bash, I think I finished 3rd and himself 4th. BUT I BEAT LYMAN SHEATS ON MONSTER BASH!
Good Shots, Bad Bounces: What is your favorite and least favorite pinball machine?
WrestleMania, don’t hate. Least favorite? Game of Thrones, I just can’t get it right.
The Wizard Mode: What is your dream theme you’d like to see made into a pinball machine?
Slayer, who doesn’t want a South of Heaven multiball?
The Tilt: What is the dumbest mistake you’ve made in pinball (mishap moving a machine, messing up trying to fix a machine, etc.)?
Blowing Kevin Manne’s fuses.
The High Score: Describe the pinball hobby in one word.
Match – Next Game: Where do you see the pinball hobby in 5-10 years?
I foresee pinball being more entrenched in public places. You’ll see more pinball machines at bars and restaurants and other venues. Pinball can be very social and it is interactive so I wouldn’t be crazy to think you could maybe see it being broadcast on TV.
Around the Playfield with Jay
The Start Button: How did you first get into pinball?
I got into pinball through Nick Lane. He had a cookout at his house shortly after he had purchased his first pinball machine (Ironman). I played a few games and had fun.But it wasn’t until Nick started explaining the rules and goals of the game that I really “got it”… by the time I was able to start my first multiball I was hooked.
The Plunge: What was the first pinball machine you bought?
I bought a Sega Goldeneye from another member of our Buffalo league as my first machine & I still have it!
The Skill Shot: What is your best pinball achievement or favorite pinball moment?
My best pinball achievement is from this past summer. Steve Daniels from Vermont Pinball ran a 3 strikes tournament the day before we had our PAPA Circuit event here in Buffalo. Somehow I managed to finish 6th overall in a tournament that was stacked with top players from the US and Canada. I even beat out Robert Gagno in a tiebreaker to secure the 6th place finish. So it’s easily my greatest pinball achievement to have been able to go head to head with so many players of that caliber and actually come out ahead of the majority of them….for one day at least.
Good Shots, Bad Bounces: What is your favorite and least favorite pinball machine?
My favorite machine is Stern’s Ironman. Not only is it the machine that got me into pinball, but to this day I never get sick of playing it. It’s fast, fun and is still really challenging without having to memorize an encyclopedias worth of rules and strategies.
My least favorite machine..that’s a little harder! I there are plenty of games out there I have no desire to ever play again. I guess to give a bit of a controversial answer I’ll say I hate playing The Walking Dead. There’s just something about it that makes every ball feel like a fight against the machine. Even after a particularly good game I have no desire to hit the start button for another on that one.
The Wizard Mode: What is your dream theme you’d like to see made into a pinball machine?
Thundercats! It was my favorite cartoon as a kid & I’m kind of amazed it wasn’t already turned into a machine during its 80’s heyday. Also with music themed pins being so popular right now, I’d put a deposit down on a Beatles themed machine before I heard any other details about it.
The Tilt: What is the dumbest mistake you’ve made in pinball (mishap moving a machine, messing up trying to fix a machine, etc.)?
I think most every dumb mistake I’ve made in pinball has been documented on our Twitch stream. So I guess the correct answer here is: agreeing to let my mediocre pinball skills be broadcast across the internet every Thursday.
The High Score: Describe the pinball hobby in one word.
Match – Next Game: Where do you see the pinball hobby in 5-10 years?
We’ve had explosive growth in the pinball scene in Buffalo over the past few years with numerous leagues, tournaments, and even locations sprouting up all over town. So I hope that continues both locally and across the world. I think with things like Twitch streams, tournament broadcasts, and just the fact that pinball machines are making their way back into public locations again will help continue the growth of the game over the next several years.