Bringing everyone to the playfield: a sustainable, approachable future for the pinball community

Bringing everyone to the playfield: a sustainable, approachable future for the pinball community
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Bringing everyone to the playfield: a sustainable, approachable future for the pinball community
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Bringing everyone to the playfield: a sustainable, approachable future for the pinball community
Published on
August 17, 2023
Updated on
August 17, 2023
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How did you get into pinball?

One of the questions I always ask folks is “how did you get into pinball?” You get a lot of different answers - some people grew up with it, some folks got engaged online and then made the jump to in-person, and some got involved after playing games on location. For me, it was a combination of things, but a key piece of the puzzle was attending Pintastic New England in 2018. That show took me from casual Joker Poker owner to NEPL and Boston Belles & Chimes member, and charted the course for my favorite new hobby.

At Kineticist, we celebrate the community aspect of pinball, and how we can help that community grow. A great way to do that is to make pinball feel more approachable to new audiences through events, on-location lineups, and more. We’re going to be discussing this topic and talking about how we can bring everyone to the playfield (see what I did there?) during a panel at Pintastic 2023, and I hope you’ll join us for the conversation! 

Our illustrious panelists are:

We’re honored to be part of Pintastic’s excellent seminar program, and have some great ideas and stories to share with you all. Plus, Baby Kineticist will be there to cheer us on! 

Pintastic New England takes place September 7-10, 2023 in Marlborough, MA. Tickets available now.