HEIST Revealed!

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Heist is the newest creation from Multimorphic! Below is an in-depth overview of the machine, and a dive into the features and rules – check it out!
Overview of HEIST

The playfield is an intricate build of Ocean City, which has been taken over by Mr. Big, an evil overlord that controls everything in town, including the police. Your goal is to help the heroine Maggie Machado recruit the crew, run various jobs, avoid the cops, and teach Mr. Big a long overdue lesson!

Who’s Who
- Design: Stephen Silver
- Software: BJ Wilson, Greg Goldey, Thomas Law
- Artwork: Jose Fernandez
- Music: Jonas Hornqvist
- Voice Actors: Joe Grisaffi, John Swasey, and others
- Mechanics: TJ Weaver and Les Pitt
- RGB Lights throughout

- Three flippers – NEW FEATURE to the P3 Platform!

NOTE: The new upper flipper on the P3 side target module is backwards compatible with older games, meaning the module is the same form factor and a super set of the original side target module. The flipper will be disabled by software on other playfields to avoid causing damage to playfields not design for its use. The upper flipper is controlled by a secondary button.
- Every shot can stop or divert a ball. So, the inner and outer orbits, the two ramps and the side loop, can stop or maintain flow, depending on what’s happening in the game. That means every ramp and every loop can stop the ball. Most of them can divert the ball into a hole, resulting in the ball being taken out of play. (More details on why that is important in the Rules and Code Section!)

- Raising/lowering jail door in the police station that is a bash target when closed (lowered), and when opened you can shoot into the jail.

- THE CRANE is the most interesting physical feature on the game. It has 3-way control (sweep, pitch, and extension), it can pick up and hold balls (and allow the player to knock them off), and it also has a target on its front face, allowing you to bash it. The movement capabilities allow it to be moved over a wide area of the playfield, thereby presenting a bashable target much closer to the player than targets on the upper playfield. This extremely versatile mech is integrated in unique ways throughout the game.

As an example of how the crane can be used during gameplay, check out this mode where you need to steal some parts from a room where the floor is rigged with lasers. You are lowered into the room from above which is simulated as the ball on the crane. Once you steal the parts (by hitting the corresponding shot on the playfield) and you must knock the ball off and then find a way to escape! Check out the mode here:
Rules and Code
Main Objective
As stated above, Ocean City has been taken over by Mr. Big, an evil overlord that controls everything in town, including the police. Your goal is to help the heroine Maggie Machado recruit the crew, run various jobs, avoid the cops, and teach Mr. Big a long overdue lesson!
Character Modes

In addition to Mr. Big and his henchmen, you have the following main characters:
- Willie Burnett (Driver)
- Kat Burgess (Cat Burglar)
- Maggie Machado (Mastermind)
- Franklin Cooper (Safecracker)
- Liz Sterline (Hacker)
- Leo Myshkin (Demolition)

With each of these there is an associated Character Mode as well as many Multi-Character modes.
Multiball Modes
There are four multiballs currently in the game:
- Jailbreak Multiball: If some of your characters get jailed, you can run Jailbreak Multiball to bust them out. If, during multiball, you successfully hit a shot to remove a ball from the playfield, that character is freed. Drain a ball, and a character remains in jail.
- Police Multiball: Multi-phase multiball with progressive jackpot shots.
- Crane Multiball: Battle the crane!
- Cat-Burglar Escape Multiball: Also a “subtractive” multiball, starts with two balls, and you have to hit the correct escape shot, which removes the extra ball from play.
Wizard Mode
Once you collect your full crew, you can attempt the FINAL HEIST, where the entire crew needs to work together to pull off the job!
The P3 Platform
For those unfamiliar, Gerry Stellenberg, the creator of the P3 Platform, gives an overview:
“The goal of the P3 is 2-fold… to solve many of the problems that traditional-style machines present consumers (namely high price per game, large floor space requirements, difficult serviceability) and introduce new technology and gameplay features into pinball.
We delivered on these goals by designing a platform machine with modular components and some really cool features. The lower 2/3 of the playfield is no longer a painted piece of wood with blinking lights. It’s a full touchscreen display that delivers “dynamic and interactive artwork”. In addition to just changing the scenery and artwork dynamically to better immerse the player into the story, the physical pinball can interact with virtual objects, similar to how your finger interacts with objects on a tablet computer or mobile phone.
Suspended over the top of the lower playfield display (because displays don’t like it when you drill holes in them) are our modular flipper and side target assemblies. Then the back 1/3 of the playfield is a swappable upper playfield module that has most of the physical components we all want in our pinball games (ramps, loops, targets, toys, magnets, pop bumpers, etc). Between the upper playfield and the playfield LCD are 2 rows of fully controllable and RGB-lit walls and scoops. The walls can block shot paths, and the scoops can pop up to create a shot that leads to a subway under the playfield. Being able to control each wall and each scoop separately means we can create any number of unique gameplay modes, like in ROCs (a P3 mini-game), where we raise up all of the walls and don’t allow the ball to travel beyond the LCD, or like in Lexy Lightspeed’s Warehouse mode, where we lift up all of the scoops and use the walls to open and close doors that lead to other rooms. In Cosmic Cart Racing, the walls pop up to periodically block shot paths when your opponent plays a powerup.
To be clear, the P3 is physical pinball – real balls, real flippers, real targets and other features. It just replaces the painted piece of wood with a dynamic and interactive surface, and its module so owner’s can change the physical game.
The swappable features of the machine make serviceability a lot easier than with traditional machines. If a customer has a problem with an assembly, they can pull it out and work on it on a flat surface, in their shop, or whatever. If they don’t want to get hands-on, they can just mail it back to us, and we can ship a replacement. Did I mention our industry-leading 2-year warranty on P3 parts?
Currently (after the release of Heist), there are 4 playfields available: Heist, Cosmic Cart Racing, Lexy Lightspeed, and Cannon Lagoon. Each comes with a full software package / game rules. There are also a growing number of mini-games people can buy for the P3 that deliver a bunch of other playing styles for people with varying tastes. There are games for kids and non-pinheads, arcade-style games, variations on the main games, and even networked head-to-head games, where you can play directly and simultaneously against players on other P3s (Heads Up and Cosmic Cart Racing).
Playfield modules are around 20-40 lbs, depending on features, and can be swapped in under 2 minutes and without any tools.
The P3 is also an open-platform, meaning anybody can develop games for it, whether they’re full playfield modules and game software or just mini-games that work with existing playfield modules. Anybody can contact us for the software development kit and hardware interface specs. There are already 2 released 3rd-party games (Grand Slam Rally and Hoopin’ It Up) and more in development, including Nick Baldridge’s Quest For Glory, which has a pinside thread: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/p3-game-so-you-want-to-be-a-hero-quest-for-glory-pinball“
Check out a video highlighting the P3 Platform here:
Heist: $2750 (full game kit including upper flipper assembly)
For those looking to purchase a new P3 Platform, Multimorphic will have package pricing:
- P3 with 1 game: $9,995
- 2 Game Bundle w/ backbox display: $12,995: ($400 savings) : Any 2 game kits. If including Heist: +$250 for upper flipper assembly
- 3 Game Bundle w/backbox display: $14,995: ($1150 savings) : Any 3 game kits, includes upper flipper assembly
Game Kits:
- Heist: $2750 ($2500 playfield + $250 upper flipper assembly)
- Cosmic Cart Racing: $2500
- Lexy Lightspeed: $2500
- Cannon Lagoon: $1500
- Mini-Games ($0 – $399)
Heist Launch Specials – Offers good through April 17th
- 4 Game Bundle – $15,995 (savings: $2696): P3 w/ all 4 game kits + all currently available mini-games, and backbox display
- Standalone Heist Special – $9,995 (savings: $1150): P3 w/ Heist, upper flipper assembly, and backbox display
- All Heist Launch Specials also include a 78″x33″ standup banner featuring a Heist character.
To order, email sales@multimorphic.com.
Heist is in production now and machines are ready to ship. Note: P3s will ship in the order they’re purchased.