Is Little Shop of Horrors TiltBob’s First Licensed Game?

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Bit of a quick one-off today that won't be super long. I was browsing the USPTO database to get my eyes on the trademarks that DPX filed recently for the likes of Magic Girl and RAZA, when I came across a different filing that caught my attention.
It's for Little Shop of Horrors. This IP had been mentioned as a rumor back in January by Knapp Arcade, but at the time he wasn't able to confirm who was working on it.
Well, according to the USPTO, it's none other than TiltBob Pinball, the company founded by Bob Neis that is currently working on its first commercial title, Road Trip. We can't say if this is a confirmed next title or not, but it seems to indicate that it's likely!
Little Shop of Horrors Pinball Trademark Filing