Jamie Burchell Reacts to Multimorphic’s Next Game

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If you haven’t heard yet, Multimorphic has a new major P3 game release just around the corner. While it hasn’t been officially announced (our money is on hearing more about it on or closer to Texas Pinball Festival next week), the strongest internet rumors point to it being based on the video game franchise Portal. Time will tell if that rumor proves to be true. However, some things we do know officially are that Brad Albright (Motörhead) was tapped for the game’s art package, with Ian Harrower (Blood Bank Billiards) on code. Scott Danesi (Final Resistance) may be involved as well on the game’s sound package.
As luck would have it, about 20-30 folks were invited out to Multimorphic’s HQ in Round Rock, Texas, last week to get an early preview of the game. One of those lucky attendees was a friend of the newsletter, Jamie Burchell, who graciously offered to answer a few of our questions about his experience. Note, Jamie is currently under NDA until the game is officially revealed, so what he was able to speak to was limited, but we still found it worth sharing here ahead of the reveal.
Note: this interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Interview with Jamie Burchell of Wormhole Pinball
Colin: What was the experience of touring Multimorphic’s production facilities like? How did it compare with some of your recent experiences at Stern Pinball and Barrels of Fun?
Jamie: You know, when the first one you go see is Stern… everything else is going to be so small in comparison. Barrels of Fun was surprisingly so large, right? So, I would not say they had the biggest facility of the ones I’ve seen, but it had a good layout and seemed efficient and well-organized. A personal highlight was the game room, where they had about 14 P3 cabinets on the floor, each with one of P3’s major releases installed.
Colin: Can you tell us anything about the theme? Is it one you were familiar with going into the event?
Jamie: I didn’t know a lot about the title when they unveiled it to me, but the Multimorphic team did a great job explaining the IP to me on the tour. I can say that it seemed like others in the room were familiar with it and excited about it.
Colin: What do you think people are going to be most excited about when they see the full reveal?
Jamie: They’re going to talk about the innovation. I think everyone talks about the innovation when they’re talking about Multimorphic and their P3 platform, and they definitely did not disappoint in that. There’s certain mechs in there that are wild… like how did they get that thing to work?
Colin: Do you see anything being controversial about the release? Any negative reactions you might foresee?
Jamie: If you don’t know the theme already, it might make it more challenging to appreciate on first glance. But if you explore the theme a little and give the game a chance, then I think people will really dig it.
Colin: What about the rest of the package? Art? Sound? Rules?
Jamie: The art is beautiful. I only got two or three games on it, so I don’t know the rules at all, but when Multimorphic releases a game, their rules are normally close to finished, and it doesn’t seem like that approach has changed with this game.
Colin: Do you think this title will grab non-P3 owners and pull them into the ecosystem, or will it mostly resonate with current P3 customers?
Jamie: That’s a good question. Yeah, I think they’ll sell some units.
I'll leave you with this. If it is in fact Portal, and if they don't have the Cave Johnson lemons rant, we burn Multimorphic's house down... with lemons.