Ranger in the Ruins Deep Dive!

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Ranger in the Ruins is the most recent creation for the P3 Platform! Below is an in-depth overview of the machine, and a dive into the features and rules – check it out!
NOTE: A huge thank you to creator Nick Baldridge for the information below!
Ranger in the Ruins Overview

Pricing and Availability
- Price: $150
- Availability: Available now!* From https://www.multimorphic.com/store/p3-game-kits/3rd-party-game-kits/ranger-in-the-ruins/
*Note that the P3 platform and Cosmic Cart Racing module are required.
Who’s Who
Third Party developer Nick Baldridge handled graphics, sound design, programming, and Internet capability.
When you drain, Internet ghost data is saved if your P3 is connected to wifi, and retrieved from ghosts stored from players all over the world as you play. The scoring system is straightforward – 2 multiball modes, and 21 mystery items.
There are 8 different music tracks, including 2 multiball themes. Each track was picked to cater to different tastes and the music is user-selectable. The default theme is driving, but other themes are slower builds.
Using the staggering array of LEDs available on the Cosmic Cart Racing playfield, there are several interesting light shows available, including one specific to ghostly activity.
Multiple players are supported (up to 4), and two high score tables exist: one for scores and one for number of items collected in a single game.
As with other games on the P3, profile support and USB and Bluetooth headphone support are enabled. Operators can disable this support, change the number of balls, and disable instant multiball and extra ball awards if desired, as well as the typical range of free play and coin options.
Rules and Code
As the game starts, you are presented with the game’s story: you are a ranger, who wanders through the ruins of a city. As you wander, you may come across ghosts. These ghosts are present at the bodies of former rangers. These former rangers each carry an item. Your goal is to collect as high a score as possible while collecting as many items as possible.

As you launch the ball, which initially loads to the right ramp and feeds to the left flipper, the ranger begins to run, and the point values appear at all shots.

Point values vary based on difficulty of the shot and number of balls to play. The game ships as a one ball game, and in that configuration, values range from 100 points to 1000 points. For 3-4 ball play, values are 10% of the one ball values, so 10 points to 100 points. And for 5+ balls (the game allows you to play up to a 10 ball game), point values are 1 point to 10 points. To keep the game moving quickly, the magnetic ramp assist is turned on for the duration of the game, and ball launches are lightning fast from the ramp to the left flipper.
As you play, based on a random timer, ghost data is pulled from the Internet (or locally, if you are not connected to wifi).
Part of this ghost data contains an item to award you if you complete a shot sequence. The first shot in the sequence is any one of the four standup targets or the captive ball. Based on the target you hit, one of the scoops in the wall/scoop mech will raise at random. Hitting the scoop will award you one item.

Some items will help you, and some will hinder you. There are 21 different items available. Some items might increase the value of certain shots.

Add the ability to complete a shot sequence to lock balls, start an instant multiball, give an extra ball, award positive or negative instant points, and much more. At first, you won’t understand what these items do. One item will tell you what advantages or disadvantages items provide as you receive them, but this item is not guaranteed to be found on any given playthrough. Otherwise, careful observation of the playfield is necessary as items are acquired. Many items will change a visible aspect of the playfield.
Ranger In The Ruins pulls inspiration from older pinball games, as well as from PC roguelike games such as Rogue, Nethack, Angband and many, many more. The sound is supposed to be reminiscent of bells or chimes – each point value contains its own sound, to make it easy to understand how many points you are acquiring without needing to look at the score display.
Multiball operates like early solid state multiball – there are no jackpots, no super jackpots. Point values remain the same as in normal mode, but you have a much safer way to acquire points quickly. The only ballsave is available during ball launch on multiball.
Tilt ends game, and there are no tilt warnings. This is also inspired from older games, and encourages cautious nudging.
Ranger In The Ruins is not a traditional modern mode-based pinball game, but a modern take on classic pinball with a new (for pinball) twist on Internet use that brings players of all skill levels together. If there’s one thing that we all do eventually, it’s drain.

Reveal Streams
Gameplay can be observed on two streams so far, but be warned, the effects of some items are revealed on these streams, and part of the beauty of the game is the thrill of discovery.
More Information
For those that might be interested in working with Multimorphic as a 3rd party developer, they offer a free SDK on their website at https://www.multimorphic.com/support/projects/customer-support/wiki/3rd-Party_Development_Kit and the tools to get started are also all free.
If you would like to contact Nick Baldridge with questions or suggestions, you may email him at foramusementonlypodcast@gmail.com