Bow and Arrow

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Bow and Arrow Game Info

The "Bow and Arrow" pinball machine, manufactured by Bally in November 1975, is an electro-mechanical game designed by Greg Kmiec with artwork by Christian Marche.

Bow and Arrow is a pinball machine manufactured by Bally Manufacturing Co. in 1975. Design by Greg Kmiec. Art by Christian Marche.
Primary manufacturer:
Bally Manufacturing Co.
Preferred Dealer:
Flip N Out Pinball
OPDB Group ID:
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Bow and Arrow Photos

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Flyers & Promo Media

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Bow and Arrow Design Team

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Bow and Arrow Rules

Quickie Version:

Spinners until the saucer is worth 5K or more. At that point, saucer all day from the right flipper and transfer to the right flipper [preferred] or spinners all day from the left flipper.

Go-to Flipper:


Risk Index:



Center saucer for 3K and open gate. 4K and 5K are okay, but opening the gate is worth the point differential. If you can, plunge so the ball hits one or both of the 500-point star rollovers disks before dropping into the top saucer.

Full Rules:

Use the spinners to advance bonus. Collect bonus in saucer in upper left. Once bonus 7000+ [higher or lower depending on your shot-making percentage and match score situation], shoot the saucer all day. Key feed: saucer kickout. You may be able to repeat this shot several times via either one-timing it properly or live catching it on the right flipper, then shooting it again. Hitting any of the A,B,C,D standups lights the corresponding bumper; getting all four standups activates Double Bonus. They’re not worth shooting at, though, IMO, due to rebound risk. But if you have collected 3 of them at some point for whatever reason, go ahead and shoot the final one. Only shoot for the center extra ball target if it’s turned on; otherwise, it’s too risky. If enabled, the EB light activates when bonus is maxed at 10K. Don’t bother shooting the gate even if it’s open as you don’t have a good angle on it from the flippers but do try to nudge the ball through it if it’s in the vicinity.

via Bob's Guide

How to Play Bow and Arrow

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Bow and Arrow Gameplay Video

Gameplay Discussion & History

Mods and Toppers

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