The "Casino Royale" pinball machine, produced by Segasa in January 1976, is a four-player electro-mechanical game with a gambling theme. The playfield features two flippers, three pop bumpers, two slingshots, five standup targets, and a kick-out hole.
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Quickie Version:
Advance the Spinner value to Special, then score it by shooting the center saucer. After that, UTAD via the left orbit.
Go-to Flipper:
Risk Index:
Hit the top advance bonus rollover button.
Full Rules:
Bonus is pretty basic. It goes up to 100,000 and is advanced by hitting the outer two standup targets on the sides near the top and by rolling over the small disc at the very top of the playfield. Bonus can be doubled by lighting all three bumpers. Each of the three top lanes lights the bumper directly below it for 1000 instead of 100, so to double your bonus, make all three top lanes.. Advance the spinner by hitting either of the inner two standup targets when lit. Stop the spinner by hitting the lower left standup target. Collect the spinner value by shooting the saucer in the center. Since extra balls will probably be off or required to be plunged and the point values available are only 5K and 10K, the only time it’s really worth collecting the spinner is when it’s on Special. Hitting it then lights both orbit shots and both outlanes to be worth 50,000. That’s huge value on this game. Strategy is just get Special lit, collect it at the saucer, then shoot the left orbit all day for 50K a shot. Going up top will feed the lanes and bumpers, which should get your bonus up to the full 100,000 doubled value after enough shots.
via Bob's Guide