The Robot pinball machine, released by Zaccaria in 1985, is a solid-state game that stands out with its futuristic robot theme and innovative gameplay features. Designed for up to four players, it incorporates a unique elevated ball shooter lane and a "Robot Bridge," which, when crossed, activates five rising robot targets on the playfield.
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Robot Bridge
The 5 robots in the middle of the playfield rise when the ball is shot onto the "ROBOT BRIDGE".
Robot Targets
Hit the robot targets and advance lights. When the word R-O-B-O-T is completed, the "Red Special" lights.
Special is achieved by once again hitting the "ROBOT" targets.
Dropping Targets
Hitting all the drop targets lights "TIME SPECIAL" and the "ORANGE SPECIAL" lights advance.
Orange Special
The orange special is scored by hitting the lit target.
Bonus Multiplier
The BONUS MULTIPLIER is advanced by hitting the three "Z" fixed targets or by passing through the left-hand upper canal.
Upper Canals
Lights the "BALL RETURN" light.
Ball Return
When the ball return light is lit, that ball is returned to the player and counted as an EXTRA BALL.