Review: Inclusive GameWerks' Adaptive Flipper Controller Opens Pinball to More Players

Review: Inclusive GameWerks' Adaptive Flipper Controller Opens Pinball to More Players
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Review: Inclusive GameWerks' Adaptive Flipper Controller Opens Pinball to More Players
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Review: Inclusive GameWerks' Adaptive Flipper Controller Opens Pinball to More Players
Published on
March 12, 2025
Updated on
March 12, 2025
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As pinball continues to grow in popularity, a group of enthusiasts are determined to ensure pinball players with mobility and fine motor coordination challenges can also take part in pinball gameplay and competitions.

Inclusive GameWerks is a small Colorado-based business that manufactures and sells adaptive controllers that can be used in place of the side flipper buttons and center action buttons on pinball machines. The company was formed in 2023 by six people intent on ensuring their friend, who uses a wheelchair, was able to play pinball alongside them.

The Problem

Many persons with mobility challenges or hand-related limitations find it difficult or impossible to use a pinball machine's side flipper buttons. An alternative way of interacting with a pinball machine is required, one that is adaptable to persons with varied hand coordination abilities and needs.

Product Offerings

Inclusive GameWerks sells two main products:

  1. The first is a patent-pending adaptive flipper controller plus a wiring harness, the latter of which internally connects the controller to a pinball machine's flipper switches ($375).
  2. The second product is an additional harness that can be used to connect an already-purchased adaptive flipper controller to an additional pinball machine ($50).

Installation & Compatibility

The adaptive flipper controller is connected to a pinball machine by a Cat5 cable (commonly used to connect to Ethernet networks). The product comes with an accessibility port that replaces the competition plug that comes standard on most contemporary pinball machines. (The competition plug is typically located below the Start button near the coin door. An adaptive flipper controller can be quickly unplugged from the accessibility port on one machine and plugged into a similar port on another machine that also has a harness installed.

Notably, installing the adaptive flipper harness does not result in any permanent changes to a pinball machine. The removable harness uses alligator clips to connect to the flipper switches at existing solder points.

Customization Options

Each controller and harness is build-to-order. When purchasing a harness online, customers indicate the name of the pinball machine into which the harness will be installed. Then, a custom harness is built to support the specific machine, whether it be a two, three, or four flipper game. When purchasing a controller, a customer can request a specific color.

Personal Experience

I purchased an adaptive flipper controller and an accompanying harness a few months ago (at full retail price) for a new pinball machine (The Mandalorian). Inclusive GameWerks were very responsive in answering my pre-sales questions. Once purchased, the harness was installed by a store technician as part of the pre-delivery setup of the pinball machine.

Design & Ergonomics

The adaptive flipper controller is an elongated six-sided device with three flipper buttons - left, action, and right - located on one face of the controller. While the controller is bulkier than a standard Xbox controller, its purposefully designed shape allows it to be used with its three buttons facing up, towards, or away from the player as is most comfortable.

In my case, long pinball play sessions using a pinball machine's standard side flipper buttons invariably result in wrist pain due to carpal tunnel syndrome. In using the adaptive flipper controller, I have found it most comfortable to rest the controller on a raised speaker stand that can support some of its weight. Other players may be comfortable resting the controller on their laps or holding it in front of them as they play.

Comfort & Performance

With the above setup, I have found the adaptive flipper controller to be very comfortable for long play sessions. The use of the controller does not trigger my carpal tunnel symptoms, allowing me to enjoy playing pinball pain-free.

In terms of performance, the adaptive flipper controller is very responsive. Importantly, I do not notice any delay in flipper responsiveness. So, too, the side flippers on my pinball machine remain fully operational, as does the action button. This means multiple players can switch freely between using or not using the adaptive controller during cooperative and competition play.

Capabilities & Limitations

The controller supports quick flipper reactions. For example, a player can hold a flipper down, allowing balls to be cradled and post passed. However, the controller does not support two-stage flipping (e.g., for triggering the flippers in an upper playfield independently of the main flippers). And, of course, the controller is not intended to provide an accommodation for nudging a pinball machine.

Areas for Improvement

The instructions for installing the internal harness are provided on paper with the product. It would be helpful if they were also posted online as the font is quite small. Potential customers would also benefit from the opportunity to review the installation steps before purchasing.


The adaptive flipper controller from Inclusive GameWerks brings universal accessibility to pinball one step closer for players with mobility and hand related accommodation needs. To demonstrate their commitment to accessible gameplay, I would encourage b(arcades) and other pinball locations to invest in adaptive flipper controller support for at least some of their pinball machines so everyone who loves pinball can have the chance to play.