The Jetsons Gameplay Stream – Five Things Seen/Heard/Learned

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Exciting times in pinball! Thursday evening, Dead Flip (Twitch, Facebook, Twitter) went up to Benton, Wisconsin to visit Spooky Pinball and stream both The Jetsons and Total Nuclear Annihilation. Below are Five Things that were seen/heard/learned during The Jetsons portion of the Twitch stream. To watch the entire Jetsons portion, click here. For the last four player game that went the deepest into The Jetsons and lasted about 25 minutes, click here.
General Info: The Jetsons was designed by The Pinball Company and is being manufactured by Spooky Pinball. Check out The Pinball Company’s Facebook page here and Spooky’s Facebook page here. It is an easy to understand family friendly pinball machine. You can buy this machine from The Pinball Company or from Spooky Pinball, a distributor of the game (email them at

Five Things Seen/Heard/Learned
1. Skill Shot
There are three skill shot options – left spinner, right spinner, or top jet lanes. You hold down the launch button and a moving power bar displays, and you release the launch button at correct power level to successfully shoot the one skill shots. Here is an example of Bug from Spooky Pinball getting the top jet lane skill shot.
2. The Rules

There are seven names on the playfield, and you’re trying to collect all of the names to get to the Orbit City Multiball. In order to collect the names, you must shoot different shots and targets on the playfield. There is also a wizard mode called Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah Multiball. To get to Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah Multiball, you must complete Orbit City Multiball and Spacely vs. Cogswell Multiball. The Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah Multiball is described a little bit here. (It is fun to type Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah Multiball.)
3. Interactive Topper
An interactive topper comes on all Jetsons pinball machines. It shows the travels of Orbitty from Cogswell Cogs to Spacely Sprockets, which is advanced by shooting the right spinner. You can hear it explained in more detail here. Jack Danger from Dead Flip gives us a closer look here. You can click here to see Yancy get Orbitty all the way to Spacely Sprokets, or click here to see Jack do it.
4. That Ramp is Smooth
Check out Jack hitting it four times in a row. Smooooooth.
5. Limited to 300
As explained here by Charlie from Spooky Pinball, there will be at least 100 and up to 300 of The Jetsons Pinball machine produced.
End of Post Bonus
Banger Jay Lazarus Save
Click here for an extremely fast Lazarus save.
Jack Starts Multiball Without Using Flippers
Click here to see a multiball start sans flippers.
More Pics of The Jetsons Artwork
Check out more pics below of the artwork on The Jetsons pinball machine. All photos are courtesy of The Pinball Company.