The "Guardians of the Galaxy" pinball machine, produced by Stern Pinball in October 2017, is based on the popular Marvel movie franchise. Designed by John Borg, this machine features two flippers, two ramps, and the Stern SPIKE 2 System. It offers dynamic gameplay with six multiball modes and interactive elements such as a motorized orb toy and Groot’s mouth, which locks balls for multiball play.
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Skill Shot
There are three skill shots in the game. Plunge to the lit top lane for a Skill Shot.
There are eight modes in the game. At the start of the game, you select a mode before plunging the ball.
Groot Multiball
Shoot Groot to open his mouth and light lock. Shoot the ball into Groot's mouth to lock a ball. Lock three balls for Groot Multiball.
Orb Multiball
Shoot the Orb drop target, then shoot the Orb target to lock a ball. Lock three balls to start Orb Multiball.
Hadron Enforcer
Shoot the five Hadron Enforcer targets to be awarded the Hadron Enforcer. Use the action button to award a lit shot.
Shot Multiplier
Complete the five lanes (Nova Corps) to light the Shot Multiplier
Rocket's Rampage
Shoot the Rocket shot to spell RAMPAGE. Spell Rampage for Double Scoring.
Cherry Bomb Multiball
Complete four modes (where they are lit solid) to light Cherry Bomb Multiball at the scoop.
Immolation Initiative
Play (but don't complete all) of the modes plus Groot and Orb Multiballs to start Immolation Initiative
Save Xandar
Complete all eight modes and both multiballs to light Save Xandar wizard mode