Black Knight: Sword of Rage Photos

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Black Knight: Sword of Rage

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Black Knight: Sword of Rage Game Info

Take down the Black Knight's horde of monsters before taking him on in a final showdown, in the long-awaited sequel to an iconic pinball machine.

Primary manufacturer:
Stern Pinball Inc.
OPDB Group ID:
Remake manufacturer:
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Game type:
Solid State
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Black Knight: Sword of Rage Design Team

Steve Ritchie
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Black Knight: Sword of Rage Rules

Skill Shots

Plunge into the lit top lane for a Skill Shot. Plunging into the lane without lane changing gives a much bigger award.

Battle Modes

Hit the center ramp, Knight, and Shield the required number of times to light a Battle. Battles are started at the Shield shot when lit and the shield is raised.

Magna Save

Shoot the targets on the right side of the playfield to light Magna Save.

WAR Hurry Up

Complete the WAR top lanes to start a War Hurry Up. Make lit shots during the Hurry Up to collect the Hurry Ups.

Triple Knights Challenge

Hit the target next to the Shield to light lock, then shoot under the Shield to lock a ball. Locking three balls starts Triple Knights Challenge Multiball.

Sword Of Rage

Switch hits will slowly fill up the Sword Meter. When the meter is full, POWER will be lit at the center target. Shoot the target during a Battle Mode for 2x scoring and to make the Battle Mode easier to complete.

Super Modes

Shooting the spinner will light Super at the Center Target. Shoot the lit target to start one of the Super Modes (picked at random).

KNIGHT Letters

Completing WAR Hurry Ups and Battle Modes will award KNIGHT letters.


Spelling RAGE on the return lanes lights Mystery. Shoot the Shield to collect Mystery.

How to Play Black Knight: Sword of Rage

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Black Knight: Sword of Rage Videos