"Melody Lane" is a two-player electro-mechanical pinball machine released by D. Gottlieb & Co. in September 1960. Designed by Wayne Neyens with artwork by Roy Parker, the game features two flippers, three pop bumpers, three passive bumpers, four slingshots, two kick-out holes, and a roto-target.
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Quickie Version:
Hit the center target to light the bumper, then either UTAD or, if able, left saucer all day.
Go-to Flipper:
Risk Index:
Very High
Full Rules:
This is the add-a-ball version of Sing Along. Completing numbers 1-2-3-4 is good [1’s, 2’s and 3’s score 50, the 4’s score 100]; getting lots of saucer collects is better. The saucers kick out from one to another left to right until the right one kicks the ball towards the right flipper. If you can, try to flip from the kickout into the left saucer to repeat the process; if not, UTAD. Ignore the bottom “3” targets unless they’re the only ones you need to complete a color set (see below). Hit the center 100-point standup target to light the bumpers. If the ball goes through the 50-point “bumpers off” gate between the upper bumpers, relight the bumpers with the center target. There’s a center post between the two central outlanes; use it and try not to flip then - - if you do and you mis-time your flip, you’ll drain either down the center or under the flipper. If you do get the ball stuck under a flipper [between the tip of the flipper and the larger posts below the tips], try to do a rapid multiple flip to get the ball to bounce off of the large post and back into play. You’ll find that down the middle drains are less common on Melody than on some other similar center post games because the way the ball rattles around between the center post and the pair of posts below the flipper tips makes it bounce within reach of a flipper tip save more often. Saucers score 10 + 10 per lit number of that color. If you have all four numbers of a color lit, the hole awards an extra ball, if enabled. For instance, the top left “1” lane, far left central “2” lane, left side “3” standup and left “4” outlane, once collected, lights the left hole/saucer for an add-a-ball. If add-a-balls are on, completing color sets can become your top priority.
via Bob's Guide