TRON: Legacy, released in 2011, offers a dynamic and immersive gaming experience, capturing the essence of the 2010 film. Designed by John Borg, the game features a fast-paced playfield with two illuminated ramps, a spinning disc, and a variety of multiball modes.
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Soft plunge to bounce the ball into the scoop for a skill shot
Making combos gradually builds up the value of the End of Line Jackpot, which is collected by shooting a side ramp > scoop combosome text
- End of Line Jackpots are extremely lucrative, and most of the time, will be worth more than just about anything else available. There’s wisdom in doing nothing but shooting for End of Line in a game of Tron
There are three main multiballs:some text
- Light Cycle Multiball, lit at the scoop by shooting flashing Light Cycle inserts
- Quorra Multiball, lit at the scoop by shooting the left spinner, marked “Advance Quorra”
- Disc Multiball, lit at the disc up the middle by shooting it a whole bunchsome text
- All multiballs encourage shooting flashing shots for jackpots. Combos are typically worth more points and/or super jackpots.
- Light Cycle and Quorra can be stacked with one another. Disc cannot be stacked with either.
- Quorra has two add-a-balls available at the Recognizer. Disc has a restart available at the Disc if you don’t score a super jackpot. Light Cycle has no add-a-ball.
There are other modes scattered around the table:some text
- Spelling Z-U-S-E starts a switch frenzy
- T-R-O-N lights boosted scoring in the form of triple bumpers, triple spinners, or double playfield
- Shooting the right inner loop (Gem shot) starts a mode where you just shoot the right inner loop all day
- Shooting the right orbit (through the bumpers) lights Flynn’s Arcade (mystery) at the scoop
The “ladder” leading up the center of the playfield is what you’re trying to complete.some text
- Playing a feature corresponding to a ladder insert will start it flashing
- Completing a feature (e.g. beating a mode or scoring a super jackpot during a multiball) will turn it solid
- Getting all nine inserts at least flashing lights Sea of Simulation at the scoop
- Getting all nine inserts solidly lit lights Portal Multiball at the scoop
Be warned that plunging an extra ball can drop the ball into the scoop. If you’re not playing extra balls, ask a TD to drain any extra balls for you so you don’t inadvertently start a multiball you can’t play!
End of ball bonus can be very lucrative, avoid tilting if you’re deep enough into the game